The first couple of weeks of November everyone, including me, was preoccupied by Hurricane Sandy, loss of power and loss of property. My heart broke for all the people who lost everything. For many, their spirit and enthusiasm has to be shot. So how do they get back on track when they are literally clearing out damaged belongings?
For me this storm really derailed the momentum I had balancing work with home. Before the storm hit I was in groove of organizing one little thing every day. For instance I would clean out one shelf in my closet every day (15 minutes each) until I finished cleaning out the entire closet. Then I hit the kitchen and did the same thing with the refrigerator and pantry. Since Sandy hit, I haven’t done one little clean up in a week and find I am not interested in getting back on track.
So I have been thinking, if I have been having a problem (and I only lost minor things in comparison to the rest of the many flooded communities), how do people who are trying to rebuild get back on track and generate that momentum of productivity again?
For myself, I have decided to update my “To Do List” to include these 15 minute time slots to clean up the different items or areas I need to get more organized. I am crazy with my “To Do List.” Once I have it written down I seem to commit and complete the task. This works for me but I know it won’t work for everyone!
So, I had a thought. Why don’t I reach out to all my Peeps” and see what things you do every day to make home and work life a little easier. Please share some of your great ideas that you use to get your “Mojo” back, after you have lost that critical forward momentum? Post your ideas and let’s get some great ideas listed. I will then compile a list and put it on the 411 for Mom’s blog, as another resource to help us stay focused and keep us highly productive. I know everyone has a different personality and approach to things, so the more ideas we come up with, the more help this list will be to our working Mom, pals out there!!!